
Town of Monroe Latest News

Please find and view the latest news and information regarding the Town of Monroe listed below.

Town Clerk .
Town Clerk .'s Article

Community Needs Assesment

Dear Community Partners and Friends,


At the Y, strengthening community is our purpose.  A community is strong and equitable when:


  • The community’s needs are met
  • People and groups can pursue goals
  • All community members thrive
  • The community can mobilize resources when needed


The Y has listened and responded to communities most critical social needs since its founding, and we’re determined to keep doing so.  This questionnaire will help us better understand the main concerns of our community.  These are broad issues, and we’ll use this information with additional research to determine how the Y can continue to provide or partner for programs and services that strengthen community. 


Please help us by sharing this questionnaire with your members and constituents.  Responses are not individually tracked and are kept confidential and it should take no more than 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey.  If you have any questions, please contact either the YMCA of Middletown or the South Orange Family YMCA of Monroe.  This survey link will be active through August 12, 2022.


YMCA Community Needs Assessment


Best Regards,

Ellen Beadle

Executive Branch Director, South Orange Family YMCA

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Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall, 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe)

Please click here to view the Agenda.

The Town of Monroe is pleased to announce the return of in-person Town Board Meetings at Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York.

Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting:

Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 7 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician.

- Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. 

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support!