Dog Park

 The Town of Monroe Dog Park is located at 101 Mine Road and shares the same entrance as the Monroe Senior Center. Parking is available at the adjacent Senior Center parking lot on the side of the building. The dog park is divided into two areas: a small dog area for dogs under 25 lbs. and a large dog area open to dogs of all sizes. Owners must carry a leash & supervise dogs at all times. ALL dogs must have current vaccinations and license with tags attached to dog collar. For Dog License Application, please click here. Town of Monroe dog owners preferred as the upkeep and maintenance expense of the park is supported by town taxes. Please review additional information by clicking here.

This Town of Monroe Dog Park was a 2022 Eagle Scout Project completed by Noah Sequeiros of Boy Scout Troop 440. Noah worked extremely hard for over a year to present, plan and execute his Eagle Scout project of creating a Dog Park for the Town of Monroe Community to enjoy. Throughout this time, we witnessed his dedication, hard work, persistence, and ability to “pivot,” when things didn’t quite go as planned. Noah faced any and all project challenges with a maturity and composure far beyond his years. His leadership ability was evident through his oversight of over 100 volunteers who assisted in this project as well as Noah’s incredible project fundraising efforts which, in part, included a Dog Walk-a-Thon around the Millponds in the village of Monroe and resulted in raising over $9,000. A true community effort.

**Pictured from left to right are Troop Leaders Rick Wernli, Jeff Manson, Craig Shapiro, and Eagle Scout Noah Sequeiros. Additional Boy Scouts pictured from Troop #440 are Jackson Wernli, Jack Thau, Diego Ruz, Nico Ruz, and Troop Leader Steven Thau.

Boy Scouts at Dog Park

Dog Park Images

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