Building & Fire Inspector Code Enforcement Officer Ben Maldonado | Email Direct Line: (845) 783-1900 x152 Assisstant Building Inspector Mark Van Etten | Email Direct Line: (845) 783-1900 x159
Assistant to the Building Inspector Alyssa Kezek | Email Direct Line: (845) 783-1900 x150
Part Time Asst. Building Inspector Philip Valenza | Email Direct Line: (845) 783-1900 x151
P : (845) 783-1900 x208 F : (845) 782-4009
Address 1465 Orange Turnpike Monroe, NY 10950 Lower Level
The Building Department is responsible for the administration ofthe NYS Building Code, NYS Fire Prevention Code, and the NYS Energy Code, the Planning and Zoning regulations, the Federal Flood Plain Regulations and various other local laws assigned to the Building Inspector for administration and enforcement by the Town Board. The Building Department secretary schedules building construction inspections, receives complaints concerning all areas of code administration, maintains records and collects fees for any operation that require fee collection for permits. The inspectors review permits for code conformance, inspect new construction, make fire code inspections, inspect for code enforcement problems, prepare reports, and meet with individuals concerning any code matters.
Summer Dwelling Conversion Requirements
Permits Required (Updated 12-1-2021)
Short-Term Rental Application (Updated 7-7-2022)
Residential Rental Registration Permit Application (8/22/2024)
Operating Permit Application
Schedule of District Regulations
Cross Connection Permit
Town Code Online
NYS Division of Building Standards and Codes (BSC)
Zoning Map