
The Highway Department is responsible for maintaining, preserving, improving and repairing 47 linear miles of road within the Town of Monroe, as well maintaining 1,505 catch basins and necessary drainage as part of the municipal sanitary storm water sewage system.

 In addition, the Highway Department:

  • Provides snow removal and ice control of town roads
  • Replaces street signs on town roads when required
  • Provides leaf collection on town roads as well as operates the town’s compost facility
  • Coordinates and manages the town’s refuse collection contract with the vendor for the Town of Monroe, Village of Monroe, and Village of Harriman
  • Employs NYS licensed water personnel to operate, maintain and make repairs to 7 water districts within the Town of Monroe
  • Assigns 911 addresses and manages road/street opening permits within the town
  • Judiciously manages personnel and equipment resources
  • Advises the town board of any highway related issues
  • Assist other municipal agencies in Orange County with equipment and manpower when requested
  • Maintain all town equipment, including Dial-A-Bus vehicles, with in-house mechanics as well as Dial-A-Bus 
  • On call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


2025 Refuse/Recycling Pickup Schedule

Disposing of Household Hazardous Waste