23 December FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Onsite At Monroe Town Hall December 23, 2021 By Town Clerk . Community News, General, Town Hall News 0 FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Onsite At Monroe Town Hall. Related Articles Town of Monroe Planning Board Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe) Please click here to view the Agenda. The Town of Monroe is pleased to announce the return of in-person Planning Board Workshop Meetings at Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York. Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting: - Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 6 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician. - Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support! Town of Monroe Planning Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe) Please click here to view Agenda. The Town of Monroe is pleased to announce the return of in-person Planning Board Regular Meetings at Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York. Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting: - Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 6 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician. - Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support! Town of Monroe Planning Board Regular Meeting at 6:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe, NY) Please click here to view the Agenda. Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting: - Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 6 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician. - Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support! Town of Monroe Planning Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe) Please click here to view the Agenda. Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting: - Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 6 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician. - Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support! Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing Notice: The Application of Michael Adams to Receive Six (6) Area Variances for “Lots Abutting a Lake or Stream” November 23, 2021 at 7:30PM, Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe, NY TOWN OF MONROE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to § 57-63.G of the Code of the Town of Monroe and § 267-a.7 of the NYS Town Law, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Monroe, New York, will hold a Public Hearing on the 23rd day of November, 2021 at 7:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard that day at Monroe Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, NY 10950 on the application of Michael Adams to receive six (6) area variances for “Lots abutting a lake or stream” under Town Code §57-43 and “Accessory buildings and uses” under §57-38. The variances requested are as follows: (1) for a shed minimum setback required 50’ proposed 8’, (2) for a pavilion under §§57-43 and 57-38 minimum setback required 50’ proposed 10’ (3) under §57-38 minimum setback 5’ required proposed 0’ (4) front yard setback 60’ required 15’ proposed 45’, (5) building in the front yard variance needed under Article XI 57-38(c) In any district no private garage or other accessory building or parking area shall be within a required front yard, (6) Northside Shed under 57-43 shoreline setback 50’ required 30’ proposed encroachment 30’. The lands affected by this application are located at 485 State Route 208 in the Town of Monroe and shown generally on the tax maps of the Town of Monroe as Sec. 1, Block 1, Lot 55.111. A copy of the application is available for public inspection at the office of the Zoning Board during regular business hours. The meeting is open to the public. Dated: Monroe, New York November 10, 2021 BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF MONROE, NEW YORK BY: MICHAEL MURPHY, CHAIRMAN Village of Monroe Comprehensive Plan Vision Meeting ~ Public Workshop ~ Town Hall ~ Thursday, September 29, 2022 @ 7PM Comprehensive Plan Visioning Meeting– Town Hall - September 29 @ 7 PM The Board of Trustees of the Village of Monroe will hold the first public meeting to gather public input to be used in updating the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. The Board recently began the process of updating the Village's 2014 Comprehensive Plan which was most recently updated in 2017. The Comprehensive Plan is a document which guides growth in the community by establishing how land should be used, what building sizes and densities are appropriate, what roadway improvements should be made, what community facilities are required and other matters of public policy. The Village Board is inviting input by Village residents, land owners, business owners and other stakeholders at an upcoming meeting scheduled for Thursday September 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall Meeting room at 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe NY. All are welcome and encouraged to attend and contribute. Village of Monroe Schedules Public Visioning Meeting Monroe, NY - September 29, 2022 – 7:00PM The Board of Trustees of the Village of Monroe will hold the first public meeting to gather public input to be used in updating the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. The Board recently began the process of undertaking a complete review of its Comprehensive Plan, a process it last undertook in 2012 which resulted in the 2014 Plan and 2017 zoning amendments. The Comprehensive Plan is a document which guides growth in the community by establishing how land should be used, what building sizes and densities are appropriate, what roadway improvements should be made, what community facilities are required and other matters of public policy. The Village has begun reviewing existing conditions including demographics, housing data, historic resource data, utilities, zoning, land use, environmental constraints and community service provider input. Mayor Neil Dwyer explained, “we have been receiving a lot of feedback from residents and local business owners about concerns that were not fully addressed in our current Comprehensive Plan. The world has also dramatically changed since the pandemic struck the community in March of 2020, and it is critically important that the Village be prepared to address the challenges of the new world we live in.” The first step in the process will be to review the "Vision Statement" for the Village as well as the current plan’s goals and objectives. To do this, the Village Board is inviting input by Village residents, land owners, business owners and other stakeholders at an upcoming meeting scheduled for Thursday September 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall Meeting room at 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe NY. All are welcome and encouraged to attend and contribute. Mayor Dwyer continued, “we are thankful that the Town was able to allow us to use the new Town Hall meeting room to reach out to the public. It is important to our Board that this plan begin with input from our Village residents and stakeholders.” For more information please visit the Village website at www.villageofmonroe.org For more information contact: Max Stach – 845-368-1472 x 106. Comments are closed.