
Town of Monroe Latest News

Please find and view the latest news and information regarding the Town of Monroe listed below.

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Town Board Meeting Monday February 7,  2022 at 7:00 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Turnpike)

Please click here to view the Agenda.

The Town of Monroe is pleased to announce the return of in-person Town Board Meetings at Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York.

Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting:

- Please be advised that all employees, board members and visitors will continue to partake in a temperature screening upon arrival to all town buildings until further notice. Masks MUST be worn.

- Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 7 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician.

- Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.  

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support!

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Town of Monroe Board of Ethics Committee Meeting Agenda

Town of Monroe Board of Ethics Committee
Meeting Agenda
January 26, 2022
7:00 pm

Chairman:    Thomas P. Sullivan
Secretary     Ann Marie Morris
Members:    Kathleen Aherne, Michael Egan, Paul Phelan, George Tanner
Attorney :    Donald Feerick

I     Call to Order:  Pledge of Allegiance
II     Attendance:
III    Elect Chairperson for 2021 & Appointment of Secretary
IV    New Business:
        a)   Discuss 2022 Monthly Meeting Schedule.
b)   Distribution & Update - Annual Code of Ethics & 2022 Disclosure Forms.
        c)   Annual Ethics Board Report for 2021.
V    Executive Session:    As needed.
VI   Return to Public Session:
VII   Motion to Adjourn:


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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Monroe, Orange County, New York, on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. or soon thereafter as can be heard to consider the adoption of the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Orange County, New York, and any other business that may come before the Town Board.

Pursuant to Chapter 417 of the Laws of 2021, the special meeting will be conducted via videoconferencing only at the following link.  There will be no physical meeting location. 

Please click here to view the Agenda.


Meeting ID: 811 6667 1150

Passcode: 10950




1-929-205-6099 US 

Meeting ID: 811 6667 1150

Passcode: 10950 

By Order of the Town Board dated January 24, 2022

Valerie Bitzer – Town Clerk