
Town of Monroe Latest News

Please find and view the latest news and information regarding the Town of Monroe listed below.

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Public Hearing Notice: To Consider Adoption of Local Law H-V1 of 2022 to Amend Chapter 57 (Zoning) Concerning the Regulations Governing Tree Preservation




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Monroe, Orange County, New York, on October 3 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon there-after as may be heard at the Town of Monroe Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York 10950.

The Town Board of the Town of Monroe is considering adoption of Local Law H-V1 of 2022 to amend Chapter 57 (Zoning) concerning the regulations governing Tree Preservation.  The Town Board has received notice that the provisions of the law are overly complex, do not accomplish the stated intent, have contradictory provisions, and are overly restrictive.  The Town Board is considering amendments suggested by their planning professionals that would significantly simplify the regulations, properly apportion jurisdiction between the Building Inspector and the Planning Board and establish a more reasonable “as-of-right” tree removal regime that allows for homeowner preferences, and a minimum reasonable amount of tree clearing in association with subdivisions, site plans and special use permits.

The Town of Monroe will make every effort to assure that the public hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Town Clerk.

The proposed Local Law is available at the Town Clerk’s Office, at 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York, 10950, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Dated:  September 23, 2022


                                                BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF MONROE 
                                                VALERIE BITZER, TOWN CLERK        


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Notice of Adoption: Local Law 7/2022 RE Amending Ch. 23 of the T.O.M. Code for Building Construction Administration

Notice of Adoption

Local Law No. 7 of 2022

          Please Take Notice, that the Town Board of the Town of Monroe adopted Local Law No. 7 of 2022 on the 19th day of September, 2022 at the Town of Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpk., Monroe New York.

A Local Law regarding Amending Ch. 23 of the Town of Monroe Code Building Construction Administration.

Copies of Local Law No. 7 of 2022 are available at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.

                                                                              Valerie Bitzer, Town Clerk 
                                                                              Town of Monroe

September 21, 2022

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Notice of Adoption: Local Law 6/2022 RE Sewer Use in the Town


Notice of Adoption

Local Law No. 6 of 2022

          Please Take Notice, that the Town Board of the Town of Monroe adopted Local Law No. 6 of 2022 on the 19th day of September, 2022 at the Town of Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpk., Monroe New York.

A Local Law regarding Sewer Use in the Town.

Copies of Local Law No. 6 of 2022 are available at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.

                                                                              Valerie Bitzer, Town Clerk 
                                                                              Town of Monroe

September 20, 2022


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Public Hearing Notice: Considering the adoption of a Local Law G-V1 of 2022 Authorizing a Property Tax Levy in Excess of the Limit Established in General Municipal Law § 3-C



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Monroe, Orange County, New York, on October 3, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as can be heard, at the Town of Monroe, Town Hall, 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, NY 10950.

The Town Board of the Town of Monroe is considering the adoption of a Local Law G-V1 of 2022 Authorizing a Property Tax Levy in Excess of the Limit Established in General Municipal Law § 3-C.

The proposed Local Law will be available on September 23, 2022 at the Town Clerk’s Office, at 1465 Orange Turnpike, Monroe, New York, 10950, Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Dated:  September 23, 2022


                                                BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF MONROE 
                                                VALERIE BITZER, TOWN CLERK          

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Town Board Meeting Monday, September 19, 2022 at 7:30 PM (Monroe Town Hall 1465 Orange Tpke., Monroe)

Please click here to view the Agenda.

Given the current times, please note the following procedures that must be adhered to should you choose to attend a meeting:

Meeting attendees arriving prior to the 7:30 p.m. meeting start time should enter through the upper level doors where a contactless temperature check will be conducted. To assist in contact tracing efforts, meeting attendees will be asked to provide their name and contact information. Any individual who shows signs of an elevated body temperature of 100.4 will be asked to return home immediately and contact their physician.

- Lastly, please continue to be respectful of others by remaining at home should you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. 

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our safety guidelines and thank you for your ongoing patience and support!